Sweet Water Noodles

Sweet Water Noodles, also known as Guanguanmo, are a delicious local delicacy. They are made without adding salt, sugar, or other seasonings. To make them, the dough is kneaded multiple times until it forms a long, round shape with a pointed top. The noodles are then steamed until white and shiny. When you take a bite, you will experience a soft and chewy texture, along with a delightful natural wheat fragrance. For an even better taste, you can slice the noodles and stuff them with braised meat. One remarkable characteristic of these noodles is their exceptional water absorption ability. When soaked in boiling water, they transform into a sponge-like texture. This makes them not only a great choice for feeding infants and young children but also an ideal option for the elderly.

Copyright © Jiuquan Municipal People’s Government. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © Jiuquan Municipal People’s Government. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.